“Do you know Jesus well enough to reject Him?” Father Mike Schmitz

26 Apr

Dear God, I watched this video this morning, and I thought it was excellent. Yes, this is a Catholic priest, Father Mike Schmitz, speaking, and, yes, his messages is originally designed for a Catholic audience, but the foundation of the message is for anyone who has walked away from or intentionally kept themselves from Jesus. “Do you know Jesus well enough to reject Him?”

It reminds me of something I’ve heard Andy Stanley say more than once. When someone tells him that they have left the church, his question back to them is, “Who was it? Who was the person who offended you and drove you away? Because it probably wasn’t Jesus or God. It’s almost always a person who was not a good reflection of Jesus.”

In this case, Father Mike’s encouragement is pretty simple. Spend some time with Jesus for 30 minutes a day for a month. Read the red letters in the gospels. For Catholics who believe in the presence of the host, go to the tabernacle and spend 30 minutes praying to and reading about Jesus. Spend time in your presence. Get to know the real Jesus and not the poor imitations one might see in the people of the church.

I had a long text discussion with a close friend yesterday about our culture and its decline. He shared a Fox News story with me about how the pendulum has swung and two-thirds of the public is now in support of the right for women to have an abortion. I bring this up in this context, because it feels to me like so many on either side of the issue simply don’t know Jesus well enough. In my opinion, those who are pro-life don’t understand that Jesus never persuaded anyone through coercion, and those who are pro-choice don’t realize that Jesus really does care about each and every child throughout their entire life. But the more I personally spend time with you in these settings the more you slowly transform me into being more Jesus-like.

Oh, my Jesus. Oh, my Father. Oh, my Holy Spirit. Oh, my God! Help me to be a better reflection of you today. Help me to love to start by worshipping you well. Help me to then love everyone around me well, starting with my wife and children, but then moving to those around me who need help, those who are my friends, and those few who consider themselves my enemy. Help me to be a lover and generous to all of them. Do this for your glory. Do this so that your kingdom might come and your will might be done on earth as it is in heaven.

I pray all of this in Jesus and with your Holy Spirit,



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One response to ““Do you know Jesus well enough to reject Him?” Father Mike Schmitz

  1. Albert J Vasquez

    April 26, 2024 at 11:27 am



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